Xploring Junagadh and Girnar

This itinerary is about a 2 day Xcursion of Junagadh with its nearby places and climbing the Girnar Mountain.


Arrive at Junagadh

Tour the local attractions

Prepare necessary things for the Girnar climb for the next day

Sleep early and start the Girnar climb early the next day

Return to base before it’s dark

Return to Rajkot on the same day


INR 2000 per person


Self-drive from Rajkot is one of the best options. You can even take a local bus or trains from Rajkot to Junagadh.

We chose to drive as Junagadh is a 2 hour drive from Rajkot and it gives us the liberty to travel around Junagadh as we please.



  • Reached Junagadh at 4 pm.
  • Go to Mahabat Maqbara. A must see mausoleum with intricate carvings. (Make sure to climb up till the very top)
  • Go to Uparkot fort (closes at 6 pm so hurry!). It houses a lot of attractions (Don’t miss out on Adikadi vav and Navghan Kuvo – Indian historical stepwells and the Buddhist caves) even though they might not be that well managed. It is completely accessible by car.
  • Take a trip to Girnar base to check out parking locations for the next day.
  • Check in to the hotel before dark.
  • Order dinner in the rooms.
  • Pack for the next morning and sleep early.


  • Wake up at 4:30 AM. Having packed our bags the previous night itself it was easier.
  • Make sure to reach the Girnar base before 6 am.
  • Start climbing. Try to reach the top (9999 steps) in 2-3 hours (the climb has been known to take 2-7 hours)
  • Spend time at the peaceful temples at the top.
  • Return to base at 11 am and get back to the Hotel.
  • Freshen up andrest until 4 pm.
  • Order a late lunch through room service and leave for Rajkot.


Leo Resort It is the best luxury hotel in Junagadh and the prices are reasonable to slightly above average.

People on a budget and on a religious trip can choose to stay at dharamshalas, some of which are closer to the base of Girnar (called Taleti in Gujarati) than Leo Resort (about a 15 minute drive).


You can have both your meals at the Leo Resort. The food is really good and at reasonable prices.

There are plenty of stalls on the Girnar climb which offer snacks and drinks (overpriced though).


You can drive your vehicle to every place mentioned in this itinerary and it is very convenient to do so.


Tips for Girnar climbing:

  • Carry a light body-hugging backpack (I used a drawstring bag). Things I carried:
    • A bottle of water
    • Small glucose candies/Chewing gums
    • Cap
    • Headphones
    • Mobile phone (for music and as a torch in the early morning hours)
    • Loose money so I don’t have to carry my wallet (put it in my phone cover)
  • Apply sunscreen before the climb.
  • Wear loose comfortable sports clothes. (WARNING: the jain temples at the top do not allow people to enter in shorts, they will let you borrow their dhotiyas though :P)
  • Make sure your shoes have a good grip. Jogging sports shoes with thicker soles work just fine.
  • The entire climb has various stalls but all of the food and drinks are overpriced.
  • Dolis are available throughout the climb. Sticks may be helpful for some and they are available everywhere. Climbing and descending the Girnar can take up to the whole day depending on your fitness, age and the health of your knees.
  • WARNING: People with knee problems should avoid descending the mountain. My parents found descending much more difficult and painful than the climb and it took longer too. Sticks may be really helpful here. Pro tip – try descending backwards or sideways slowly to avoid putting your full weight on your knees. Don’t shy away from Ibuprofen if needed!
  • WARNING: Expect muscular soreness in your thighs, calves and your soles for a couple of days after the climb if you’re not used to rigorous working out. It might make driving difficult. Go before a weekend to leave enough time for recovery before your normal routine resumes.
  • WARNING: Beware of monkeys.
  • WARNING: Stick to the steps! There are numerous paths so make sure to stick to the main steps because my dad has told me stories of people getting lost because they felt that certain paths were sure shortcuts.
  • Stops and highlights:
    • Neminath Jain Derasar at approx 4500 steps
    • Ambaji at approx 5500 steps
    • Datatray mandir at 9999 steps And numerous other temples.
    • And most of all, make sure to enjoy the view while ascending!!!
  • Start early to avoid the heat of the day and also witness the colors change from the pitch black of the night (the stairs do have some lights but they are inadequate at some points; carry a torch if needed) to violet to pink to red of the rising sun!
  • A new cable service is in the works!


The mountain boasts 9999 steps but not all of those go up!

After about a 1000 steps from Ambaji, there is a HUGE descent of about a 1500 (idk) steps before you resume the climb again. This might come as a huge surprise to people who were expecting a straight climb to the top since you are descending down the side of one mountain and climbing up on another mountain before reaching the very top.

This descent might come as a relief if you are tired, but you will need to CLIMB BACK UP to return to the base.


This Itinerary was Contributed by a Community Member!

You can reach Divyaraj for any queries about this trip on his Instagram.

Ensure you travel responsibly and keep your carbon footprint to the minimum. Happy Xploring!

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Written By

Picture of Ismail Lakdawala

Ismail Lakdawala

A digital content creator, Ismail loves to explore new destinations and enjoys outdoor adventures! He's in love with all forms of stories, and is a big fan of movies and books!

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