Ditch your Enfield and take a CYCLE from Manali to Leh! (Photo Blog)

Going on a road trip to Leh-Ladakh is on every Indian’s bucket list. Most of the travelers going to Leh take a Royal Enfield Bike from Manali and ride it upto Leh. However, what if we tell you this is not the best way to take this road trip! Cycling from Manali to Leh is the real deal to get the best Xperience of the route, Himalayas and mountain biking! So here are 10 Reasons why you should ditch your Enfield and take a Bicycle Trip from Manali to Leh!

Reason #1

Picture taken when we reached Leh. Adventure of Lifetime indeed.
Adventure of a Lifetime!

You learn to live in the wild, ride through on one of the highest roads and most difficult terrains in the world, cross streams on your bike and drink water directly from waterfalls. You ride in snow, you ride in rain, and you ride through the fog. What can be more Xciting?

Reason #2

Picture taken before starting the trip, standing with our cycles and banner saying Need to Declare a Climate Emergency in India.
Eco-friendly and Economical!

Avoid the release of almost 50 kg of CO2 in the atmosphere by choosing to take a bicycle trip from Manali to Leh instead of riding a motorbike! Needless to say, you will burn less of your savings too! Do you still need more reasons to take this Bicycle Trip?

If you are already Xcited to take this trip, jump directly to our detailed guide on How to prepare for your bicycle trip from Manali to Leh?



Reason #3

The 360-Degrees view of nature that you get while cycling.


360-Degrees View all the time!

See how grand and majestic the Himalayas and cherish its beauty while you ride your bicycle through every inch of Manali to Leh route. You don’t just pedal through the thin air, but also feel and Xperience every little detail of this place.

Reason #4

Cycles Parked on Road


Cycles Parked by the side of the road.

Forget all the deadline pressures! You don’t have to catch a bus or train nor do you have to pay toll or find parking. You don’t even have to count kilometers or carry extra fuel. Just Pedal – Eat – Sleep – Repeat!

Reason #5

Solo Cyclist at a distance


Travelling at your own pace!

Be your own BOSS on this trip! You can chill and ride slowly or you can test your mettle and go all in with legit MTB scenes. Either way, you are going to have the TIME OF YOUR LIFE!

Reason #6

Beautiful Landscape


Off the Grid – For Better!

Hey Alexa, CANCEL EVERYTHING for the next 10 days! Forget all your boring tasks and communicate with nature. Go literally into the lap of nature as you will not get any network to distract you for a better part of these 10 days. Trust us, you will not regret being away! (God promise!)

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Reason #7

Picture of High Altitude Terrain


Motion Sickness and Car Sickness isn’t for Cyclists!

Get your friends who complain about motion sickness on mountains along on this trip! Do not let them cancel the trip this time! Your body acclimatizes to the altitude and air steadily as you ride your bicycle through the mountains.

Reason #8

Downhill Road


Did you say Downhill?

As Shakespeare rightly said, From Eastern to Western Ind, There is no Pleasure like Downhillin’
Xperience coming down at DOUBLE THE SPEED than you went up! Nothing can beat the Adrenaline Rush of coming downhill – it is such a rewarding Xperience!

Reason #9

Group of Travelers jumping and celebrating near the lake.


Xperience More!

Travel slowly to witness a lot more enroute and get much better Xperiences. Interact with the kind-hearted Ladakhis who will always make you feel at home! Meet amazing people from around the world who are on the same journey as you! Listen to their stories and take back a lot of memories.

Reason #10

Lifting Cycle to mark end of trip


One among many re-takes to pose for a picture by lifting cycles together.

While a Manali-Leh Road trip still remains to be one of the most sought after item on everyone’s bucket list but still a majority of the people who take this trip, do so on bikes! Doing the same route on bicycle is definitely something different from the cliched idea and an Achievement in itself!
P.S. – This is something that you can surely brag about – throughout your life! 😉

And when you do end up in Leh, here is the essential guide to make the most of your time in this dreamy place!

Still Not Convinced? Have a Look At This!


We’re sure this video should convince you to be in the mountains and take this trip!

Better Start Planning Now!


Written By

Picture of Akshay Kotecha

Akshay Kotecha

Co-founder at www.xploretheearth.com Full time dreamer and entrepreneur! Love Travelling, Cycling, Badminton, Stories and ofcourse - a lot of TV Shows! Currently creating content at Xplore The Earth!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    You guys are major goals! Definitely worth bragging your entire life!

    1. Xplore The Earth

      Haha! Thank you so much!

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